Minggu, 14 Desember 2008


BY: Ki Waras Jagat

Word “Siliwangi” come from word silih that mean successor or router and fragrant that mean fragrant or fragrant. Thereby, meaning from name Prabu Siliwangi has explanation that him successor or router prabu fragrant (Wangisutah) that fall at town square Bubat Majapahit in Bubat War year 1357 m in defend honour and authority Pajajaran kingdom.

At that time, group from Pajajaran Kingdom (Galuh) have an eye to to marry off his daughter is daughter Diyah Pitaloka with king Hayam Wuruk on proposal the king. When group of woman bride candidate stops and make pasangrahan at town square Bubat while wait king fetching Hayam Wuruk (man bride candidate). Apparently noble intention Prabu Wangi (Wangisutah) and king Hayam Wuruk not wish for by Patih Gajah Mada, he holds" secret movement" is not known by the king self. Gajah Mada with the troop very big surround and invade bride group so that causes to fall it the Mokteng Bubat (Prabu Wangi), daughter Diyah Pitaloka and the guards.

As to term Prabu Siliwangi First am Prabu Wastu Kancana that move kingdom centre Pajajaran from Kawali (Ciamis) to Pakuan (Bogor). In government time Prabu Wangi, Prabu Siliwangi First and Prabu Siliwangi Second Pajajaran Kingdom under one power or in word other Pasundan east and Pasundan west ally be one power.

After Rahiyang Wastu Kancana died, Kingdom of Pasundan divided two; that is east Pajajaran Kingdom at Kawali Ciamis under Ningrat Kancana and Pakuan Kingdom (West Pajajaran) at Bogor be power Prabu Susuktunggal. In time Prabu Siliwangi Second that's pasundan ally again be Pakuan Pajajaran with his capital town at Bogor.

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