Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008


By. Ki Waras Jagat Pakuan

Hadits first, Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace said: Allah Ta’alaumma bârik lanâ fî shô'inâ wa mudinâ wa makkatinâ wa madînatinâ wa bârik lanâ fî syâminâ wa yamaninâ, faqôla rojulun: wa 'irôqinâ, qôla: inna fîhâ qorna asy-syaithôni wa tahayyuja al-fitani; wa inna al-jifâ'a bilmasyiq. Mean: "Oh Allah, bless in scales and our dosage, also about our Makkah and Madinah, and bless also our Sham and Yaman. Say a man: And also our Irak. Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace answer: " (For Irak not) because to him will appear generation (ally, sword eye, leader, follower) shetan (devil) and flare up it slanders (accusation, disturbance, persuasion, test); actually coarse character (violence) that resides in east. " (Thabrani from Ibnu Abbas radhiyallahu’anhu, Kanzul ‘Ummal, 1989, volume. 12, matter. 300, Hadits no. 35116)
adits second, Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace said: Allah Ta’alaumma bârik lanâ fî syâminâ wa fî yamaninâ, qôlû: wa fî najdinâ, qôla: hunâka al-zilâzalu wa al-fitanu wa bihâ yathlu'u qornu asy-syaithâni. Mean: "Oh Allah, bless our Sham and Yaman. Prophet friend say: and and so do our Nejd. Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace said: "(Nejd, not because) there appear chaos and slanders (accusations, disturbance, persuasion, test) and there also will appear generation (ally, sword eye, leader, follower) syetan" (Bukhari, Ahmad and Nasai from Ibnu Umar radhiyallahu’anhu. Kanzul ‘Ummal, 1989, volume. 12, matter. 300, Hadits no. 35118).

Appearance khawarijism, wahabism and Al-Qaeda Terorism complete " prophecy "Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace. Subhanallah, "prophecy" (nubuwwatan) Hadits first genuinely even, try us see beginning movement appearance beginning fundamentalism, terrorism and anarchist in history ummat Islam with sect appearance khawarij. Khawarij people who out from caliph front Ali bin Abi Talib Karramallahu wajhahu, after this caliph gets offer tahkim (arbitration) submitted side the opponent, Mu'awayah bin Abi Sofyan, and stop war siffin (657/37 h) according to them, caliph Ali bin Abi Talib as true side should devolve war siffin that until troop Mu'awiyah as crashed resister side or bow to valid caliph. they assemble at harura, near city kufah (at Irak) and lift Ibnu Abdul Wahhab ar-rasibi as moslem leader (leader). Thereby they incarnate to be one sect or group in Islam. Khawarij beginning this known also with group al-muhakkimah, but they often voice "there is no hakam (judge) besides Allah " and "there is no law besides Allah law" . (Indonesia Islam Encyclopedia, 1992, matter. 553).
Sheikh Muhyiddin al-khoyyat write: group khawarij stiff famous and over do in religion problem. they are consider unbeliever people who not same opinion with them, allow blood one who differ opinion with them and doesn't receptive law rule that formulated human. they are consider unbeliever people who does big sin, they don't be receptive hadis prophet unegual the explanation according to exactly with alquran and they are in realize nash only from side born it merely. (Islam Resurrection History and Arabian World Situation, 1994, matter. 118).
"Prophecy" Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace. in hadis second perfect also when does appearance wahabiyah (wahabisme) that begun from Uyainah at area Nejd. Wahabiyah, socio-politic movement based on Islam law follows the founder way of thinking, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al-Nejdi (1703-1787/1115-1201 h.
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al-Nejdi in invitations very radical, hard, stiff and without compromise especially towards what they consider to be bid'ah and khurafat get bitter opposition bot merely from group Ahlussunnah, shufiyah, thariqat and Syi'ah but from brother contain it self, Sulaiman, and the cousin Abdul bin Hussein that cause wars between terms at Yamamah (soil births Musailamah al-kadz-dzab).
In movement first period Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab gets full support from administrator Dariyah, Muhammad bin Sa'ud and the routers in concerned battle with sheikh Riyad, Dahham bin Dawwas (1747 m) during 28 year. Then partnerships wahabiyah -Ibnu Sa'ud assault and subjugate Riyadh, entire areas Nejd, Karbala (Syi'ah holy city at Irak), Madinah, Makkah and Jeddah. in the year 1811 m. empire wahabi sweeting from aleppo at north to Indian ocean, from persian gulf at Irak front to red sea at west.
Empire and expansion wahabiyah-Ibnu Sa'ud first period causes infinite loss on soul, treasure and muslims class culture sites and end new after dariyah, movement centre wahabi occupied troop Ibrahim pasya from Khilafa Turkish Utsmani year 1818 m. Administrator Nejd, Abdul bin Sa'ud at the time caught, sent to constantinopel and punished piece there.
Movement second period wahabiyah is begun year 1901, after Abdul Aziz II bin Abdurrahman supported radical religious teachers wahabi and English colonial government in the east middle success enter Riyad. Furthermore Abdul Aziz success dominate to return the grandfather power soil, Nejd in 1921, Hail, Makkah in 1924, Madinah and Jeddah in 1925. power wahabi and Ibnu Sa'ud go on up to now with America support, English and their allies.
Islam people necessary guard against play one against another policies delivers Islam people may be perfominged by Israely passes Rabithah Alam Islami, because this organization very has been influenced by administrator wisdom Saudi Arabia that reside in in united America rein and Britania while America and Britania both bow to Israely. History has registerred to how Islam people dissension has happened narrow comprehension consequence and stiff about several verses Alquran and Hadits that causes culture appearance mutual stamp to deviate and unbeliever, where in turn make Islam people energy be be drained both the things a while ago, while Israely with policies support and financial the ally more will brace grip on Palestinian.
Movement New Khawarij and wahabi anarchist in Indonesia after reformation movement and shift down it President Soeharto in 1998 movements New Khawarij, wahabi radical even terrorism Al-Qaeda in Indonesia return to get fresh wind and begin to show their spirit truthfully, they are openly make time religion organization, bring to life rumorss khilafah, syari'ah Islamiyah, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar even Indonesia Islam country rumors.
Radicalism, fundamentalis, terrorism and anarchist khawarij and wahabiyah many adopted by Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), Majlis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), Islam Pleader Front (FPI), and Indonesia Hizbut Tahrir (HTI). They act very dare and arogan at midst policies shake system and law in Indonesia. Aim to apply syari'ah or Islam law radically at area NKRI for them not again be taboo something that and closed.
Side other, they get stumbling block stone very heavy when must face Ahmadiyya, because Ahmadiyya only jamaah factually and juridical menetapi carry out khilafa system non policies with based on to Al-Qur'an and Assunnah, while they are campaign khilafah policies (khilafah "pepesan Kosong" ) according to proposition syar'i not the period again and not may be be realized. Such this declared Rasulullah may Allah Ta’ala bless him and give him peace in Hadits mutawatir maknawi, where is he promised Jesus arrival Ibnu Maryam according to majazi that mean that khilafah at end this period al-khilafah ghairu siyâsiyyah (khilafah non policies).
Various anarchist group action very cross out Islamic religion rahmatan lil'alamin they have done, with scream “Allah Akbar “ lofty they invade and botch mosques, house and even pillage ones property Ahmadiyya at various region in Indonesia. Formerly caliph Ali tease class khawarij his utterance anarchist: "Allah Akbar”, right pronunciation but misuse. (Islam Resurrection History and Arabian World Situation, 1994, matter. 119).
Really ironic where on this day, week, 01 June 2008 when should every Indonesian return grateful, muse, and recall to return services the proklamator independence ri that dig five principles from Indonesia original earth. obvious even stained by offence, anarchist action bleeds and brutal of Islam Pleader Front Group (FPI) and Leader Islam Army Command Munarman on Nationality Alliance for Latitudinarian and Principled (AKKBB) that will do peace action will commemorate to born it five principles at bational monument. television media and print success transcribe and hold message and that savage offence event, where assailants not again can to distinguish which parents, woman and children.
Really, for a offence moslem will bleed such will be a religion polluting. and so do for a nationalist that appreciate country constitution that thing will be humiliation towards five principles, ham and even NKRI that done in front of national monument whom we are proud. Good government and every Indonesian soon realize danger before very eyes that threaten unitary NKRI and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Indonesian must dare to stop action infringement country constitution, law and play judge self that done by whoever Alhamdulillah Rabbil ’alamin.

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